school partnerships

The Robo Hub offers innovative programs to schools with the goal of enhancing and supplementing STEM education. We customize programs based on your school’s needs and offer after school enrichment, in-school workshops, field trips, and more.

Our school programs are designed to engage students in robotics, coding, engineering, design, and hands-on STEM projects.

Book Your Programs Today

"Robo Camp" Days at The Robo Hub

Single and Multi-day camps at The Robo Hub, ready to share with your school community with no commitment from your school. Students register through The Robo Hub and attend camp at our Cambridge MA Robo Club location.

After-School Workshops

Best for Auxiliary & extended day programs seeking STEM activities to add value during existing OST programs. Choose from our selection of workshops, and The Robo Hub will provide a teacher, curriculum, and materials needed for a successful after school workshop. Scheduled by trimester in most cases.

Daytime Workshops: In-School and Field Trips

Best for Field Trips or in-school workshops during school or ‘camp’ days. Single and multi-day programs are available to add enrichment to in-class units, or exciting and educational activities for students on days off. Existing programs can be adjusted to meet your exact time frame or curriculum needs.

Custom Solutions

Let’s work together to design a solution that meets your school’s exact objectives. Best for schools with specific goals that need specialized, custom support. We can help with:


  • Summer Camps
  • In-school Curriculum Delivery
  • Grant Applications
  • Fractional STEM Teachers
How can we help?

Contact us today to start building your school’s program